QuotaGuard Expands: Early Access to Heroku’s Next-Gen Fir Platform
Author: Michael Frew
Approximate time to read: 1 min
QuotaGuard Branches Out: Early Access to Heroku’s Next-Gen Fir Platform Exciting news…We’ve been granted early access to Heroku’s upcoming Fir platform, and we’re happy to report that our testing is starting off as solid as a tree trunk (that’s it, last joke, I promise) on this next-generation infrastructure. What is Heroku Fir? Heroku has long been a go-to platform for developers who need a......

Adding New Users to QuotaGuard Accounts
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Finally, at long last, we’ve added the ability for non-marketplace customers to add users to their accounts. ...

Multi-factor Authentication is Available
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Although this announcement is a bit delayed (simply because we’ve been busy), QuotaGuard is happy to announce we have implemented multi-factor authentication for our direct customers. ...

Status Page is Live
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Status Page is Live ...

SSL Passthrough vs SSL Offloading: A Quick Primer
Approximate time to read: 9 min
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a widely used technology that provides secure communication over the internet. It ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted between a client and a......

Reverse Proxy Server for fixed IP address on Digital Ocean
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Sydney Cohen @chnsydney put together a great article about getting a static IP for Digital Ocean. ...

QuotaGuard Deprecating TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 support
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Until now, QuotaGuard has allowed for TLS1.0, TLS1.1, and TLS1.2 support on Inbound Proxy connections from clients to the proxy servers. However, security experts are recommending TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 be......

How to Easily to QuotaGuard Static or QuotaGuard Shield
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Many times we are asked to move a currently running setup from a cloud service, like Heroku, to QuotaGuard‘s direct service without losing or changing your proxy or IP addresses.......

How to Find and Download Historical QuotaGuard Invoices
Approximate time to read: 1 min
If you ever need to download old Invoices, or even check for an upcoming invoice, here’s the simple steps to do it: Log into QuotaGuard at https://www.quotaguard.com/users/sign_in Navigate to the......

How to Use Google Cloud Static IP Addresses
Approximate time to read: 1 min
We noticed a few QuotaGuard Support requests for help setting up Google Cloud Static IP addresses with QuotaGuard, so we thought we’d put everything in one place for you, in......

Static IP on Azure - What are your options?
Approximate time to read: 3 min
Azure is a great cloud hosting option but its very hard to get a Static IP address. The IP address assigned to your deployment only exists for the lifetime of......

Accessing Google Maps Geocoding API from Heroku
Approximate time to read: 4 min
Why is my application broken? Geocoding was working fine locally but I’ve pushed it to Heroku and Google’s complaining I’m “OVER_QUERY_LIMIT”! Maybe I should have spent hours setting up EC2......

Static IP on Heroku - How to get one
Approximate time to read: 2 min
It’s easy to get a static IP on Heroku. Here’s how. Why would you need a static IP address for your Heroku app? You may need to add a firewall......

Error Code 1222 and 2297
Approximate time to read: 1 min
When you see a QuotaGuard Error of 1222 or 2297 - or are sent to https://status.quotaguard.com/oops.html - then this is likely an error that relates to suspended Inbound Proxies. This......

Deprecating Non-Shield HTTPS Proxy
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Up until July 2021, we have been offering an HTTPS Proxy with our QuotaGuard Shield service, however - for security reasons and your own good - we are deprecating the......

How to add a proxy server to Ruby Geocoder
Approximate time to read: 1 min
One undocumented feature is its ability to route all requests through a proxy server. This can be very useful when trying to use Ruby Geocoder* with Heroku or other PaaS......

Accessing your website via a Static IP
Approximate time to read: 1 min
We’re pleased to announce the Beta launch of our Inbound service which allows you to access your website via a Static IP address. This allows you to access web applications......

Accessing MySQL from a Static IP
Approximate time to read: 3 min
A common use case for QuotaGuard Static is accessing an internal, firewalled database from a cloud application running on Heroku, Windows Azure or other PaaS provider. For security purposes many......

‘407 Authentication Required’ on QG Static IP
Approximate time to read: 1 min
If you are seeing this error with your QuotaGuard Static IP, then you are in the right place to resolve this issue. The quick answer is… if you are currently......

Accessing a Firewalled LDAP Server from a Heroku Ruby App
Approximate time to read: 2 min
Integrating a Ruby app with a corporate LDAP service is straightforward. Just install the Ruby Net LDAP library and away you go. ...

Need to Cancel on our Direct Service?
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Hey everyone! We know that sometimes companies or side projects outgrow our static IP services or just don’t need them anymore because an application is going in a different direction.......

Multi-Environment QGTunnel Configurations
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Note: See our How-To on Multi-Environment QGTunnel Configurations for more updates: https://www.quotaguard.com/docs/technical/qgtunnel/setup-environment-specific-qgtunnel-env/ One thing we strongly recommend (did I say strongly?) is to always download your QGTunnel configuration from our......

Get QuotaGuard Static IP’s on Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Approximate time to read: 1 min
QuotaGuard Static IP’s and Shield IP’s are now available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace! To sign up, simply navigate to the QuotaGuard Static IP service on the marketplace. For assistance......

QuotaGuard Static IP's are Live on AWS
Approximate time to read: 1 min
It took quite a while, but we’re finally live on AWS. You can find both of our products on AWS: QuotaGuard Shield QuotaGuard Static Thanks to everyone on the team......

QuotaGuard Shield Live on Heroku
Approximate time to read: 1 min
We are happy to announce that QuotaGuard Shield is now Generally Available on Heroku. ...

How to Change Your QuotaGuard Subscription Plan
Approximate time to read: 1 min
When you need to upgrade or downgrade your QuotaGuard subscription plan, here are the simple steps to do it : Note: Changing your plan will not affect the availability of......

How to Change Your QuotaGuard Credit Card
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Do you need to change your credit card for your QuotaGuard subscription? It’s pretty simple and available in our dashboard. Here’s what you need to do: Log into QuotaGuard at......

Access MySQL Db with QuotaGuard Static IP and PythonAnywhere
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Are you trying to connect to a MySQL Database and PythonAnywhere recommended you reach out to QuotaGuard for help? You’ve come to the right place. ...

How to Change or Delete QuotaGuard on Azure
Approximate time to read: 1 min
From time to time we get the question, “How do I change or delete the QuotaGuard subscription on Azure“? We’ve learned that many Azure accounts don’t have the same views......

HTTPS Proxy Endpoints Now Available
Approximate time to read: 1 min
A quick and easy update to our QuotaGuard services, HTTPS proxy endpoints are now available for all users on port 9294 for almost all regions (apart from the AMS region,......

Upgrading QG Static and QG Shield on Heroku
Approximate time to read: 1 min
To upgrade or downgrade your QuotaGuard Static or QuotaGuard Shield subscription plan, you can follow these simple steps. Note: Changing your plan does not repeat not change your IP addresses......

How to Upgrade QuotaGuard on Microsoft Azure
Approximate time to read: 1 min
To upgrade your QuotaGuard plan on Azure, you can follow these simple steps. Note : Changing your plan (upgrade/downgrade) does NOT change your IP addresses or connection URL’s. Log into......

How To Provision the QuotaGuard Add-on in Heroku
Approximate time to read: 1 min
At QuotaGuard Support, we sometimes get the question of how to provision a QuotaGuard Add-on – either QuotaGuard Static IP or QuotaGuard Shield Static IP – to a particular resource......

Ruby Geocoder after OVER_QUERY_LIMIT errors
Approximate time to read: 2 min
QuotaGuard Dynamic IP’s are designed to give you access to the Google Maps Geocoding API on cloud platforms like Heroku or CloudControl. Our proxy network spreads out your API requests......

Important Changes for Our Provided Inbound Proxy Service
Approximate time to read: 1 min
We have released important changes for our provided inbound proxy service that might require configuration changes on the user side. As you may know, all of our proxies are backed......

A Sample Code for Routing through QuotaGuard from Azure
Approximate time to read: 1 min
If you find yourself trying to route through QuotaGuard from the Azure function App, we wanted to post this sample code as a possible solution. Copy var binding = new......

Privacy, GDPR, and QuotaGuard
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Hey everyone, we just wanted to make a quick update regarding the forthcoming GDPR Privacy law going into effect in the EU region. Fortunately, QuotaGuard was already compliant with technical......

Static IP on cloudControl - the arrival of QuotaGuard
Approximate time to read: 1 min
cloudControl is a European Platform as a Service based out of Berlin in Germany. It offers native support for Java, PHP, Python, Ruby and Node.js and is a great Heroku......

QuotaGuard Proxy Updates
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Here are some helpful proxy updates that we have integrated this month of June 2016. We have performed routine server management and deployed logging for all types of proxies. With......

Static IPs in South America
Approximate time to read: 1 min
Today we are pleased to announce our arrival in South America with our first QuotaGuard Static instance available in the Amazon Web Services Sao Paulo region. As with all our......

Three tips for testing Fog with RSpec
Approximate time to read: 2 min
Fog is a great ruby library for managing cloud computing services but one weakness is its scarce documentation particularly around testing Fog. These are some RSpec testing tips we’ve learnt......

Why I stopped self-hosting Elasticsearch on Amazon EC2
Approximate time to read: 2 min
This is a sad story with a happy ending. Not the internet sort of happy ending but a traditional story where I’m happy at the end. The story The story......