It’s easy to get a static IP address that is load-balanced, fault tolerant with failover, and instantly provisioned in less than 4 easy steps.
Just follow these steps :
Sign up for QuotaGuard’s Static IP free trial. All trials are at least 3-7 days depending on the package that you choose.
You will receive a “Welcome” email with your two Static IP addresses, QuotaGuard Username, Proxy Password, and connection information with test commands to test your proxy connection.
(You don’t have to use both IP’s, we just provide an extra one if you want to build in failover capabilities for your system. Our load balancer will switch IP addresses if one becomes unavailable. Learn more at our FAQ’s.)
With the above information, you can set up your Static IP in any language or platform by referring to our extensive Static IP setup documentation.
If you have questions, email us at Support any time, we’d love to help you with setup questions and challenges. We love a good challenge.