
Quotaguard for Microsoft Azure Static IP solution

Load Balanced Static IP Solutions for your Azure cloud-based apps.

- Highly available load balanced Static IPs on Microsoft Azure Cloud
- HTTP/SOCKS5 available with support for SSL and custom domains
- Detailed analytics for usage

How to get a Static IP on Microsoft Azure with Quotaguard

Check out QuotaGuard Static on Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure’s QuotaGuard Static IP solutions routes your traffic through a pair of static IP addresses that never change. It should be used if you need your traffic to pass through a known IP address for the purpose of firewall ingress rules or application allow-listing with a third party. QG Static uses HTTP and SOCKS5 for outbound service and SSL Termination for inbound service.

Check out QuotaGuard Static on Microsoft Azure
Check out QuotaGuard Shield on Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure’s QuotaGuard Shield Static IP solution is HIPAA compliant and built to handle traffic that contains PII and other sensitive information. QG Shield routes your traffic through a pair of static IP addresses that never change with a higher level of security over QuotaGuard Static. QG Shield uses HTTPS for outbound service and SSL Passthrough for inbound service. Like QuotaGuard Static, QuotaGuard Shield should be used if you need your traffic to pass through a known IP address for the purpose of firewall ingress rules or application allow-listing with a third party. Shield allows you to bring your own certificate, like from Let’s Encrypt, so that QuotaGuard never has access to your certificates and eliminates 3rd party risk.

Check out QuotaGuard Shield on Microsoft Azure

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